Yichen Wang

Student @ University of Waterloo

About Me

Hi, my name is Yichen Wang. I am currently studying as a 2A Honours Computer Science Student in University of Waterloo. I am interested in artificial intelligence, web development and game development.

My most skilled fields are: Algorithms, Web Development and Game Design


Full-Stack Software Developer

May 2024 - August 2024

Nutralab Corp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Visit Company Website

Developed the Vue.js Frontend of Inventory Management System for real-time inventory and transactions display, analysis and operations.

Developed the Backend of Inventory Management System using MySQL and Flask for data storage and provide APIs for other company departments.

Coordinated with other company departments and develop features that satisfies different requirements.

Integrated with Amazon Seller Central and other E-commerce platforms (Shopify, BigCommerce etc.) through APIs and perform data operations and analysis on one platform.

Implemented backup and recovery mechanisms to protect against data loss and ensure continuity of operations in the event of system failures or disasters.

Ensured overall performance and reliability of the system.

Backend Developer Intern

July 2023 - August 2023

Yunqi Shanglian, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Developed backend for a business management platform using JavaScript and REST API as a Backend Developer Intern.

Learned about integration with LLM and Generative AI through provided APIs and I used Git for version control and deployed on development environment.

Communication and Collaboration skills are also gained through the precious intership experience.

Research Paper Co-Author

March 2022 - May 2022

Multi-Objective Optimization based on Role in Mentorship Mode

View Paper on IEEE

Implement E-CARGO model on Java and write scripts to automate data generation and process using C++

Analyze and visualize collected data using Microsoft Excel and make charts for the research paper.



A platform to share idea and opinion

Web development/Independent Fullstack Dev

Visit ROwO Website

A website designed for sharing ideas and opinions freely and anonymously.

Independently developed in spare time and is still under further development and enhancement.

Technology stack:

Build responsive web app using Vue.js, design user interface with Element Plus, CSS and Tailwind

Host serverless backend on AWS Amplify to achieve continuous and synchronous deployment

Integrate multi-factor Authentication system with AWS Congito and AWS AppSync for enhanced security

Store data and media content in DynamoDB and S3 Bucket and communicate through GraphQL

Distribute content globally through CloudFront CDN for faster response speed

Provide secure SSL connection through HTTPS with Amazon Certificate Manager and Route53


An AI powered schedule generator

Artificial Intelligence/Web development

View Demo Website

Participant project of 2024 United Hacks V2 Hackathon

Technology stack:

Build the backend using Python and deployed serverlessly on AWS Lambda

Provide REST API through AWS API Gateway and use OpenAI API to process input data

Beautify the React.js frontend and landing page using Bootstrap library for better user experience

The project is made by 4 students from University of Waterloo during the 2024 United Hacks V2 Hackathon on January, 2024


A queue optimization application based on computer vision

Computer Vision/Artificial Intelligence/Web development

View Repo on DevPost

A website designed for organizers and customers to optimize queue experience.

Participant and winner project of 2023 Hack the North

Technology stack:

Frontend: Build and host the responsive frontend dashboard web app using Vue.js and Vite, construct user friendly UI with Element+ library and Tailwind, visualize data through Apache ECharts

Backend: Backend is build by Flask and integrated through REST API

Computer Vision: Utilize OpenCV to identify and count people in a queue and upload to the backend through API

AI Data Analysis: Integrate Genesys to estimate realtime waiting time for queues

The project is made by 4 students from University of Waterloo during the 10th Hack the North hackathon on September,2023

Chan's Poker Game

An Online Minigame Project

Fullstack Dev/Serverless/Continuous Deployment/AWS

View Repo on GitHub

An online Minigame developed as my firsy fullstack development attempt. Able to signup/login and view records/statistics with cross-platform data sharing.

Technology stack:

Frontend: Frontend is built using Vue3+Vite, Element+ and Tailwind

Hosting and Continuous Deployment: The web app is hosted on AWS Amplify and deployed continuously through Github actions.

Authentication: The backend authentication is achieved by AWS Cognito, with 2FA verifications enabled.

Data Interface: Data are integrated through AWS AppSync and stored in AWS DynamoDB

Also developed as my Grade 12 Data Management ISP in 2023.


A Linear Advanture Game Project

Pygame/Linear Game Design

View Repo on GitHub

An animated linear advanture game based on Pygame where players fight monsters and save the village.

Multiple characters available with different abilities and strategies. There are also a variety of monsters and BOSS with unique skills.

Fully customizable game experience where the difficulty can be adjusted easily.

Finished in Sep 2022

Pixel Dungeon

A 2D Advanture Game Project

Pygame/2D Game Design

View Repo on GitHub

An animated 2D advanture game based on Pygame where players defeat monsters, earn coins, unlock chests and escape from the dungeon.

Maps in the game are fully customizable. Player has multiple attack methods and full animations.

Finished in May 2022


University of Waterloo

Honours Computer Science, Co-op

Sep 2023 - Future

School Website

In 1957, the University of Waterloo opened its doors to 74 engineering students with co-operative education as its cornerstone. Today, with more than 42,000+ students attending annually, Waterloo is #1 in Canada for experiential learning and employer-student connections.

I am currently studying in University of Waterloo in Honours Computer Science program with Co-op. I am currently doing my first Co-op work term in Nutralab Corp.

Cumulative GPA: 91%

Bishop Allen Academy

High School Grade 10 - 12

Feb 2021 - Jun 2023

School Website

Bishop Allen is an excellent educational setting for the highly motivated, success-oriented student who enjoys learning. Our school motto is GAUDETE IN DOMINO – Rejoice in the Lord. Bishop Allen Academy we strive to be a welcoming community that daily celebrates our calling to rejoice in the Lord.

Since I came to Canada in January 2021, I have been studying in BA. I learned more and deeper about computer science and Mathematics here. I was provided lots of opportunities to improve my skills of programming and video editing.

I also participate many contests and competitions representing of BA. I am also active in contributing to my community and taking part in voluntary activities.

I graduated from Bishop Allen Academy in 2023 with Top 6 average 99.13%

Northeast Yucai Foreign Language School

High School Grade 7 - 10

Sep 2017 - Jan 2021

School Website

Northeast Yucai Foreign Language School is a Sino-foreign school jointly established in 1998 by Northeast Yucai School and Academy of Kansai Language School in Japan. It has 31 classes of junior and senior middle school, over 1200 students and a total of nearly a hundred Chinese and foreign teachers.

I studied in NEYCFLS from Grade 7 to Grade 11 in China. It provides me with firm knowledge basis in many subjects and fields. Teachers there discovered and motivated my interest in Computer Science and Mathematics.

I also spent time participating in many school activities. During Grade 10 and 11, I joined and worked in Student Union in the Department of publicity, in responsible for photographing and social media operation

Academic Awards & Achievements

I have attained several Academic Awards and Achievements both in China and Canada.

Awards & Achievements acheved attained in Canada:

Awards & Achievements achieved attained in China:

  • 2020 National English Proficiency Test for Secondary School Students - National First Prize
  • 2020 NSDA Public Forum Debate High School Div. Regional Championship - Quarterfinalist
  • 2020 CCF Certified Software Professional Senior - First Prize
  • 2019 CCF Certified Software Professional Senior - Second Prize
  • 2019 CCF Certified Software Professional Junior - First Prize
  • 2018 National Mathematics Innovative Application Contest - Provincial First Prize

Other Academic Achievements:

  • 98% in Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction Advanced Level (CS146) (Earned in 1B)
  • 96% in Designing Functional Programs Advanced Level (CS145) (Earned in 1A)
  • School Nomination for UofT Lester B. Pearson Scholarship
  • 100% in Data Management (MDM4U1) (Earned in Grade 12)
  • 100% in Religion (HRT4M1) (Earned in Grade 12)
  • 98% in Physics (SPH4U1) (Earned in Grade 12)
  • 99% in Introduction to Computer Studies (ICS4U1) (Earned in Grade 11)
  • 100% in Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U1) (Earned in Grade 11)
  • 100% in Advanced Functions (MHF4U1) (Earned in Grade 11)
  • 100% in Physics (SPH3U1) (Earned in Grade 11)
  • 99% in Functions (MCR3U1) (Earned in Grade 10)
  • 100% in Principles of Mathematics (MPM2D1) (Earned in Grade 10)
  • Overall 7.5/9 in IELTS Test (Earned in Grade 10)

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in Computer Science and Mathematics, some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • Photographing
  • Going to gym
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Gaming
  • Video Editing